Rain Forest Challenge

Photographic book dedicated to to the Rainforest Challenge 2011

Nos confrères italiens Paolo Baraldi et Giulia Maroni viennent de sortir un livre consacré au Rain Forest Challenge


Giulia Maroni and Paolo Baraldi livre consacré au Rain Forest Challenge

Throughout 2011, both Paolo Baraldi and Giulia Maroni (GP Photo), two passionate photo-journalists in extreme adv sports & travel from Italy joined us in the RFC international series held in Italy (Mar), China (Aug), Sri Lanka (Oct) and the mother event in Malaysia (Dec). As they both recorded these events in totality, thus the idea… of this photographic book came about. Even though held in different countries, culture, characteristics but there is really no difference in our colour, creed or language as we all share a common bond and passion together, in off-road 4×4, we are ONE adventure people. You will find this common bonding freeze in frame throughout the 52 pgs full colour book. This year as we celebrate our 15th anniversary, this book also serves as a timely record of what we can achieve together in the big family of the RFC.

Luis J. A. Wee

Pictures by Giulia Maroni and Paolo Baraldi

Paolo Baraldi

Photographer & Journalist



+39 333 7759717

Skype: paolo_baraldi

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